
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


We have now had two full weeks of ministry in Jeffreysbaii, South Africa. Our ministry organization is led by three amazing hard workers who daily give up many things to teach the children at our school. It has been a (chaotic) blast working with them and having them pour their wisdom into us while we can use our time and resources to bless and encourage them in their work for the Lord.  While we have been working with them there has been four break-ins into the school at night. Four in two weeks. The robbers have smashed multiple windows and doors, stolen their printer, a speaker, and much more. The next day after every break in our hosts would sorrowfully share the news with us and it was visible to see the hurt, discouragement, and violation shown on their faces and in their voices. 


While hearing about the fourth break in this past week, I felt Holy Spirit speaking to me and saying that similarly to the robber, the evil one has been trying to come and steal my confidence from me. He used his not so sneaky trick of comparison. The first couple weeks of this journey I found that I was comparing myself to my teammates. I would be putting myself down, while praising others, thinking they have a stronger faith than me, that God has more favor on their lives, that they are prettier than me and so on. 


BUT GOD. But God is so kind. He is so faithful to remind me whose I am and that I am here in Africa for a reason that is outside of myself. He has so kindly reminded me that I really had to surrender all of these thoughts to Him and rebuke the evil thief and not allow him to break in to my mind anymore. 


The morning after the fourth break in, we all shed some tears and shared our thanks and gratitude to each other. It felt like the enemy was using people to break into the school to shake our security, comfort, and our hearts, because he knows that what we are doing here is so powerful and for God’s glory and kingdom. There was no hesitation that morning to pray in our group for the robbers and for them to find peace in Jesus. And there was no hesitation to sing out to our God for being so good and faithful to us all. This was a great reminder to me to pray for the broken, the hurt, the people that I do not know that need Jesus, and to praise the good and faithful One in hurt, sorrow, and insecurity.