
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi friends!

In high school, I attended several mission trips to Mexico, but they were for only ten days. I was not going to go on the trip, but about a month prior to leaving I felt a very strong urge to go. At the time, I did not realize this was Holy Spirit speaking to me through my thoughts and impressions on my heart. From that day on from when I signed up for the trip I knew that one day I would go farther from home and continue to do mission work. And surprisingly the first place on my mind was Africa. I see now that God knew what he was working together, (of course!). 

Of course I had great memories and life-changing stories from my trips, but I never looked at Kingdom work as something to make myself feel good. I look at Kingdom work as a true honor that God is entrusting me to reach out to others and be a light to them in whatever way I can. 

My trust in God goes beyond words and comprehension. I trust that God is working to provide and will guide my words and actions on the field through His Spirit. I know there will be difficult days ahead on the mission field, but I also know that God’s peace and love triumphs every time. 

